Tuesday, October 04, 2005

On being a tortoise

You wouldn't think that being a married student with a very kind mother-in-law and doting husband who live 200 miles away would be hard work. Beg to differ, little lady (assuming that's what you are). For the past nine months, I have been a veritable nomad, moreso in the last two months since I have traded in my parents' home for a silver suitcase whose handle falls off at any given opportunity. Public transport is bad enough when you have a bus to catch, but when its a train and a tube and a train and a bus and a bus, things start to get nightmareish. And it doesn't help to look like a homeless bag lady when walking in between all the stations. When Mr C makes his rare excursions up North, he somehow manages to do it looking as cool as some cucumbers (as Anatole would say) with only a small satchel and a pair of PJs. Not fair.

Have had an overdose of TV this weekend, what with 4 episodes of Everwood (which has the most HORRENDOUS theme music btw but is addictive - damn you Jug) and The Grudge which scared me rigid. I used to love horror films as a teen but no longer have a taste for them - does that mean i'm ageing?

Will post some photos as soon as I figure out the programme..times have moved on without me in the blogging world.

Ramadan Mubarak everyone - and can I just mention that you should all get on to www.sunnipath.com and sign up for a course because they are excellent! Like being in the presence of scholars only you don't have to wear hijab :) Mr C and I have started one on Arabic grammar - well its one way to spend a Sunday afternoon.


At 12:36 pm, Blogger Tamanna said...


Glad to see you back kiddo.

Even if this post is meant to suffice for the rest of the year.

At 1:01 pm, Blogger warm as toast said...

*Resists making mocking 'she blogs!' commnet...

I love the theme tune- it makes me happy to hear it :) And the Grudge was flippin scary- I think my horror movie stage was over by age 12.
Oh and you need a new suitcase far far more than you need new lipgloss

At 12:41 am, Blogger mad as a cambridge bicycle said...

she blogs! and what a great post too. you really should do it more often. i love your posts, but they rarely happen :( *doleful look*

wassalam big sis

At 5:51 pm, Blogger Atia said...

gosh I didn't think anyone even read this blog any more! You inspire me to post more regularly. I am doing an evening in A&E and perhaps might come back with a story or two..


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