Dear all,
As most of you will have realised, I have popped off yet again to London. Saturday was like an oasis of calm, my sister-in-law having arranged a Spa day for us all, having rightly thought we needed a break to soothe our frazzled nerves. Massage, facial and manicure later, I was as bright as a new pin. The manicurist commented that I had nice nails, but I could not get Mr. C to corroborate.
Have gone on a Literary Spree, recent reads including:
Purple Hibiscus - set in Nigeria, with impressively psycho dad in it
My Sister's Keeper - ethical dilemmas galore, cried buckets at end, which Mr C thought was 'sweet'
Brick Lane - have meant to read it forever, and actually quite good now that I have...some confused Bengalis out there.
Now I should focus on my alternative reading list of Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, BSM Pass Your Theory Test and anything the net yields on von Willebrand's disease.