Friday, February 10, 2006

Mayday job

I found out yesterday morning, that I have in fact got a job, at Mayday Hospital in Croydon. This was after spending ages trying to find out the night before, only to have the site repeatedly crash on me. It was closed down completely after that, citing 'heavy traffic' as the reason, even though there are only a finite number of us medical students, and as far as I can gather, you can predict bandwidth on websites and avoid this kind of fiasco.

Anyway, the job seems fairly satisfactory, as it's at the closest hospital to the house and is supposed to be a decent hospital. It comprises three rotations which are four months long each : Medicine (Rheumatology), E/ Care 2 (I can only assume this is Emergency or Elderly or Early care), and Surgery (Vascular). Although I spent some time on a vascular surgery firm I don't remember much about it, other than a lecture on obstruction by a spiky haired girl. It's a little alarming to actually have a job, because now I have to face the reality of being a Doctor, as compared to a Medical Student. I also have to face up to the fact that I have exams in a mere 95 days...

We went to City Stars Mall yesterday, to watch Narnia and have a celebratory meal. I've seen Narnia before but Bikey and Mr C hadn't so they quite enjoyed it. I was excited to see that they are, in fact, going to be showing Memoirs of a Geisha as I have been dying to see it..the book was so beautiful, and the film looks fantastic too. We ate at a Chinese place last night and also finally got to taste Cinnabons - or rather Chocolate ones, as we just chose the biggest and juiciest looking Cinnabon and it was really a chocolate version. It was tasty, especially when it was fresh and warm, but I'm quite glad they're not available in England..each Cinnabon contains 34 grams of fat! Not to mention 670 calories..that is very scary.


At 3:09 am, Blogger Pink said...

indeed, u'd find urself rapidly exceeding the 5% permissable excess if u had chocolat cinnabons available on top of ur amazing baking!!!

i am missing u sorely, especially when i saw all the 'boudoir' stuff at birmingam exhibition... and recent isoc shenanigans... i find myself thinking of u at really random moments of the day.

whilst it pains me to quite sami, it's v appropriate "i wish u here, here next to me... im missing u so, so desperately" but alhamdulillah not for long - inshaAllah if my istikhara goes well, i may be joining u soon... :)


At 9:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have just put some banana bread in the oven :) Pink that's a v sweet message, my eyes did indeed pop when i saw your post about the exhibition! Anyway, I shall be back in Manchester for nearly three months from 5th March so we should make use of our 'breaks from revision' to chill together..that goes for rest of Manchester gang too.

At 1:26 am, Blogger Mariamazmi said...

wait for me to watch memoirs, i haven't seen it either.

I can't believe everyone's leaving just as i go, a girl could get insulted you know.

At 1:27 am, Blogger Mariamazmi said...

mA by the job btw.

At 2:38 am, Blogger Pink said...

o btw, can u get us (me, ammu, aps) some pins from egypt? the small diamonte ones. and a calligraphy bk. o an memoirs of geisha. that's my list done!!


At 12:53 am, Blogger Mariamazmi said...

who's robert shields and why hasn't he been deleted?

At 3:48 pm, Blogger Tamanna said...

When you come back to London, please have some Cinnabons in readiness for me.

I've been starving myself for the last 2 weeks in order to be ready for one.


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