Monday, January 16, 2006

Mopping and Shopping

Just for the record, the title of this blog is inspired by Noop Noop (I think it was her anyway), who wrote in her blog "Issues! That rhymes with tissues." Or something to that effect.

I was placed in level 5 at Diwan which made me very happy when I found out alhamdulillah. That means I don't have to repeat anything I already studied, even though actually I do need to revise quite a bit to be a Real Level 5er. And I also have a very good teacher I am told, which should whip my Arabic into shape soon. I thought I was going to start today so turned up with all my books, but it's my teacher's day off. So instead I wandered around Wonderland, a pretty poor excuse for a mall near Diwan, which took all of about ten minutes, and then went to Shoprite (a supermarket) to get some essentials.

I haven't done any mopping for at least 5 years, and very rarely before that, much to Bikey and Mr C's horror. Baking yes, occasional cooking yes, but mopping, no. There's something about the dirty scummy water which gets left in the bucket which makes my flesh creep. This also applies to any activity which requires contact with dirt, presenting me with some problems here in Egypt. I learned today that Madinat Nasr (the area we live in) is so dusty because it's built on the edge of the desert just outside of Cairo. Anyway, I'm waiting for the cleaning lady to come so she can use my lovely new Vileda mop and Cif etc to make the house sparkly and clean.

I spoke to the doc finally and will be going to see him tomorrow at the hospital - at last things are starting to happen!


At 9:24 pm, Blogger dazey said...

aa chuck
totally back you on the fear of mopping and all things dirt front. i havent hoovered in...a lifetime and have it well established in the house as a Guy's Job. no one tells me to do it bcoz i dont do that. and i bally well avoid the mop and bucket of murky water too. would much sooner go on all fours and wipe (tho i dont particularly do that either). yes im a tidying and surface wiping person:D.

no wonder our floors are such a state!

hope you're enjoying your desert and salams to the other half!


At 12:20 am, Blogger mad as a cambridge bicycle said...

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At 12:23 am, Blogger mad as a cambridge bicycle said...

I swear I don't understand how she got away without doing the mopping for so long. I mean, she actually Lived at home!!

Good on you Dazey, train em up while they're young. We have our little brother peeling onions for us before Ammu's big mega-dawats, all THIRTY of them! :o


At 2:57 am, Blogger Pink said...

wow level 5 mashaAllah!! excellent stuff. sounds like u're gonna get mega-busy, keep blogging tho - and make dua for the rest of us

u best do propr grocery shopping and not get tempted into eating out too regularly coz its cheap&easy - 5% fat rule!!! :p

take care u xXx

At 8:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi a.
ur blog makes me smile.
work hard inshallah, hope u get loads of benefit out of trip inshallah



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